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大家好! 我是一个性格颇为内向的人,我有着广泛的爱好,我最大的优点是乐于助人。我喜欢读书,各种书都喜欢,当然啦,我最喜欢音乐,音乐可以陶冶情操,我喜欢天蓝色和银白色,它代表着我想要飞向天空。一年四季里我最喜欢冬天了,没有什么特别的原因吗,秋太过于伤感,夏太过于热情,而春天却太过于温和,冬再好不过了,介于四者之间,可以使人冷静,使人回味。我最喜欢冬天的傲梅,顽强不屈的品质是我学习的目标,我最喜欢雪花的坚持,为达目的地勇往直前。


2012-07-13 15:49:15|  分类: 朋友互赠 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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高天流云恭祝阿芳妹妹芳辰快乐(原创) - 舒芳诗林 - 舒芳诗林的博客


 文字、英译:高天流云 制作:舒芳诗林

高天流云恭祝阿芳妹妹芳辰快乐(原创) - 舒芳诗林 - 舒芳诗林的博客





























 Poem present to : The good friend of ShuFang ShiLing【Original】

 Signature: In the good friend of ShuFang ShiLing birthday approaches, specially offer a hidden-head poem, wish good friend ShuFang ShiLing to have today in every year, and has at the present in every age, in her future life and career path to create a new and another brilliant, compose much more colorful, fragrant and beautiful chapters.

 Write music and drawing to excite poems The perfumed drunk in our heart everywhere Only much more knowledges are admired Chinese compose is writing wonderful chapter Transverse long to keep busy writing Overflowing in the garden on the fragrance

 Comfortable and beautiful flowers are describing music and drawings

 The dew drop on the grass is falling into heart

 Talent fragrance is scattering some ripple

 Chinese , music and drawings just like jasmine is so frgrant

 A new conception of hard ground is very diligent

 Majority look her is very happy in their heart

 Blessing send some words to express much more joy

 You comeand I go mean a long friendship between us

 Her personalities is good and she has a beautiful kind-hearted nature

 Long time to climb her new targets

 Quickly fly in the heaven

 Happy emotion has melt into ferind’s heart




高天流云恭祝阿芳妹妹芳辰快乐(原创) - 舒芳诗林 - 舒芳诗林的博客






高天流云恭祝阿芳妹妹芳辰快乐(原创) - 舒芳诗林 - 舒芳诗林的博客



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